Reply to post: Re: recall and repair tumble dryers that burn houses down

Smart fridges are cool, but after a few short years you could be stuck with a big frosty brick in the kitchen


Re: recall and repair tumble dryers that burn houses down

Time to do my civic duty. Do send in all the warranty cards on appliances.

First sorry to all the Whirlpool dryer owners

I apparently didn't send one in for my old dehumidifier in my damp basement. Well the cooling coil was getting matted up with dust so I was looking online to see if there was a "how to video" on opening it up for cleaning that would be simpler that what it looked like to me. When I googled the model number I saw that there was a recall on mine. Seems that a fair number of them caught on fire. Maybe not always burning the house down, but it sometimes did.

The manufacturer had a good recall. Send in the model sticker with the cut off power plug. Get pretty much all your money back. No receipt needed.

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