Reply to post: Re: Couldn't they have waited until the streamlined POWER offerings supported Linux?

IBM to power down Power-powered virtual private cloud, GPU-accelerated options

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Couldn't they have waited until the streamlined POWER offerings supported Linux?

Dearth of Power offerings in cloud has always been a drawback of the architecture -- as a Linux Power user this is quite concerning, IBM was one of the only major players with it available at scale in cloud.

I do have a couple of small Linux on Power VPS instances over at Integricloud, but I don't like to rely on only one vendor in case things ever go TITSUP. Anyone know of other Power cloud providers that could be called on here where IBM is (yet again) screwing over its paying customers? I'm especially interested in EU region offerings...

And Linux support is an absolute must.

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