Reply to post: Re: Apple-related cheese?

The UK's favourite lockdown cheese is Big and Red but doesn't require a stinking great audit after consumption

jake Silver badge

Re: Apple-related cheese?

"Don't get me started on Apple-smoked cheddar .. costs 10x more than normal cheddar."

Make your own. Fire up your grill, wait for the coals to burn down to almost nothing and scrape them off to one side. Throw a handful of apple chips (or twigs) on the fire side, wait for them to start smouldering, then place your cheese on a bit of doubled heavy-duty foil as far away from the fire as you can, with the lid on. You're aiming for a temperature of around 165F (75C) near the cheese. Leave on the smoke for just a couple minutes. Experiment with the timing to figure out your preference ... seconds can matter! Works for any cheese, but be careful with some of the riper, runny varietals.

Disclaimer: I personally don't like smoked cheeses ... but the people I make it for tell me that this method works very well.

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