Reply to post: Re: Democracy in action!

Privacy activists prep legal challenge against UK plan to keep coronavirus contact-tracing data for two decades

doublelayer Silver badge

Re: Democracy in action!

It does matter what the incubation period is. The stated purpose of the app is to track contacts. You don't need years of data collection to do that. It is not to provide a bunch of unverifiable and possibly polluted data to researchers, and it wouldn't. The data only concerns who is near to whom, and has a lot of noise they couldn't filter out, such as the possibility of barriers between people that the app couldn't detect. It wouldn't be of much use to researchers, and even if it would, nobody ever agreed to turn their lives over to researchers.

I would use an anonymized, secure app. I would use it because I think it has the potential to save lives. I would not use it in order to provide raw data for researchers. It wouldn't help, and it was never part of the stated purpose.

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