Reply to post: Re: Keeps at it ...

Home Office waves a cool £1bn to outsource handling of British visa, citizenship applications

IGotOut Silver badge

Re: Keeps at it ...

Yes because the GPO (BT), British Gas, The Electricity Boards and British Rail were so much better that current private sector version.

Want a phone? Well you can rent one and we'll fit it in six months time.

Need central? You'll have to buy it from you local gas board shop and have it fitted eventually by a British Gas engineer.

Want a gas cooker? See above.

Want a train? Good luck, it may turn up and you may have to stand in the guards van...if you are lucky.

Unfortunately, we have rose tinted glasses.

Public utility companies in the 70's and early 80s were utterly shit monopolies, with no incentive to improve.

Private sector CAN be better in many cases, because it's not hamstrung with overly complex bureaucracy.

All that said, many things such as Visas, really shouldn't be outsourced, as you need to keep a handle on who and where it is being carried out.

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