Reply to post: Re: Coup, one small glimmer of hope

Remember when Republicans said Dems hacked voting systems to rig Georgia's election? There were no hacks

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Coup, one small glimmer of hope

Exactly, it doesn't make sense to kill your voters if you plan on allowing a vote. And you can see the Georgia Judicial election here, cancelled by Brad Raffensperger. He'll be the very same person who will cancel the Georgia State vote too.

And that battle will be fought in the same Georgia Supreme Court, only now with a Judge who didn't get elected in, because Brad Raffensperger refused to run the election as he was required to do. So that judge will be beholden to Brad, Kemp and that group and not to the voters of Georgia.

That judge is appointed at the whim of Kemp. All manner of quid-pro-quo becomes possible by bypassing the election.

Dear Keith R. Blackwell this coup shit isn't for you, get back to democracy. It's sooo much nicer with a country unified under the system of democracy! They wouldn't give you Bader Ginsbergs job anyway, they've promised that to every person who'll do a quid-pro-quo!

So withdraw your letter of resignation, and stay on till January 1st, and make it clear that your replacement needs to be elected as per the constitution of Georgia. Back democracy in November. Then go home and enjoy the stability democracy brings. I'll shake your hand and call you a true American! And so would everyone in Georgia on both side of the vote, because nobody hands their vote over to Kemp. No one, not even Republicans say "here, Kemp, I don't want to vote because you can decide for me"!

A unified America is a strong America, and you don't want to live in the Fox News-Republican fragmented one, no matter what shit Fox News spews into your brain at night.

You get a glimpse of how unpleasant the world is without democracy and justice and rule of law, here:

This happened in Ukraine to eject Paul Manasfort's last Putin puppet.

Does this seems familiar? This was Ukraine.

And you can see how scared Trump is.

"Trump wrote that if the protesters had breached the White House fence, they would have been “greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.”

This is a terrified man, you can see he's afraid the secret service won't protect him. He'll be protected by "ominous weapons", really? Magic-mindrays perhaps and liberal seeking lazers that go pew pew pew??? Bluster and bravado. He's shitting bricks.

Trump tweeted Saturday would be “MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE." Looks like he's trying to raise an armed militia of MAGAetts.

What next? Invite Russian troops to defend the Whitehouse? I wouldn't put it past him.

If he was a leader, he'd be out on a stage, with a microphone unifying and soothing and uniting and LEADING. Instead he's still doing dividing crap, trying to get set one group against another. Even now, even as protests reach his door, he's shit stirring and trying to divide.

Republicans, need to ask themselves if they want this, or would they like to go back to complaining about Dijon mustard being too fancy?

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