Reply to post: Re: You supported a system...

Made-up murder claims, threats to kill Twitter, rants about NSA spying – anything but mention 100,000 US virus deaths, right, Mr President?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: You supported a system...

They need the wages, they can't afford to take a day off to sit in line for hours to vote. Blame the people that block 'voting day holiday' bills, and blame the boofing twat that decimated the 'voting rights act' and blame the puppet that's currently blocking 'mail-in ballots'.

Hunger is a powerful driver. If you want them to vote, they shouldn't have to lose that wages and risk their jobs.

Republicans create and perpetuate this situation, Republicans are to blame.

Republicans are creating wave 2 of Corona Virus deaths to suppress the election, Republicans did those murders.

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