Reply to post: Re: Scepticism...

Not going Huawei just yet: UK ministers reportedly rethinking pledge to kick Chinese firm out of telco networks by 2023

Pascal Monett Silver badge

Re: Scepticism...

Of course, nothing. The truth is staring you in the eye : Cisco has no 5G gear, Huawei does. The USA cannot stand Capitalism if it is not the one benefiting from it, so anything goes to sink Huawei's influence.

Unfortunately for Trump, economic reality trumps Trump's wishes. Money talks louder than partisan politics.

And, as has been repeated for months now, if there were actually any basis in the allegations, someone would have posted a pic on Twitter by now.

But nothing. On the other hand, the USA has enabled the Cloud Act, which authorizes their government to demand any data on anyone as long as it is hosted on a server managed by a US company.

That is public information - no need for some nebulous motherboard chip that we've never seen.

Draw your own conclusions.

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