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5G mast set aflame in leafy Liverpool district, half an hour's walk from Penny Lane

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Feel free to correct me where I am wrong ;

Beings born with XXY, XXY or XYY are recognized scientifically as being male.

Only women have XX chromosomes.

Outside of these cases, I do know about any other classifications.

The Oxford dictionary defines Gender as that pertaining to be either Male or Female.

If there were more than two genders then we as a species would probably result in multiple variants. From a scientific or evolutionary point of this is does not appear to be the case.

The Hijras in India are for the majority hermaphrodites, which by the above standard reasoning would imply that they are male, albeit with genetic, not gender, differences.

Personally I treat all people initially the same way, if someone can gain my respect that I will show my respect. I will also try to gain theirs in the same way. But respect needs to be earned and it can also be lost. It is a constant struggle to avoid losing it. It is most certainely not, and should not, be expected to be given by default.

Shoving idealogies in someone's though face is not a very positive way to go about achieving respect, in most cases that would be classified as fascism.

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