Reply to post: Microsoft only have themselves to blame

cmd.exe is dead, long live PowerShell: Microsoft leads aged command-line interpreter out into 'maintenance mode'


Microsoft only have themselves to blame

Powershell would be more popular if it had been backwards compatible with the Command Prompt.

For example "dir" aliases onto a cmdlet called "Get-ChildItem" which has an entirely different syntax to either "dir". Why not alias it to a "Cmd-Dir" cmdlet which does what its name suggests?

If Microsoft had done this for all the common DOS / Command Prompt commands then there would have been a migration path. Instead they provided two shells, one supported by any version of Windows and another which was an incompatible, moving target and surprise surprise many people stuck with the former.

That doesn't mean I love Command Prompt but it works and if I needed anything more I'd be inclined to write it in something better than Powershell anyway unless I had no other choice.

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