Reply to post: Re: Words will be said

Mind your language: Microsoft set to swing the axe on 27 languages in iOS Outlook

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Words will be said

Hindi is actually Islamic invaders origin language and is nothing but British invented Devanagiri disguised version of Urdu. BJP is an Islamic outfit under a Hindu guise.

BJP which is false-fully projected by the world media as a "Hindu outfit" when in fact they makes CRORES OF MONEY through sale and export of Halal meat.

Microsoft restricting the whole of India to the language of Islamic invaders and Mosques while removing pretty much most of India in the name of "consistency" is HARDLY SURPRISING. This is the same corporation which has been a big donor to the controversial Clinton Foundation. As per USA Times, Microsoft is said to have given between USD 1 to 5 million.

It is not known that MIcrosoft is in their terminal decline. Removal of widely used critical languages and favouring of only Islamic origin language Hindi will be surely another reason to move away from Outlook. There is enough competition. Gmail is in fact a more popular platform for Mail. Windows 10 is another disaster.

Shame on this company.

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