Reply to post: Why would you assume that a phone implies any privacy?

Campaign groups warn GCHQ can re-identify UK's phones from COVID-19 contact-tracing app data

martinusher Silver badge

Why would you assume that a phone implies any privacy?

Mobile devices are by their very nature easily trackable -- the system needs to know where every device is at all times for it to work. We can demand privacy, even pass laws , but it doesn't alter the fundamental fact that at any instant the system will know exactly where each device is. Keeping intelligence and law enforcement agencies from this cache of information is like trying to keep a hungry cat from a bowl of catfood. It won't happen; all that protects us is that most of us are boring and its not cost effective to treat us as anything but noise.

So, if you are worried about privacy then you have to learn to switch the things off. Real, 100%, boot from cold to restart, off. All other usage implies that you're giving up intelligence to someone -- GCHQ, maybe, but certainly the myriad of 'analytics' firms. If you really need to communicate confidentally then in addition to properly set up encryption you're going to have to skip around public WiFi hot spots like some WW2 Reisitance operator trying to keep one step ahead of the Gestapo.

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