Reply to post: Re: Thank you

Campaign groups warn GCHQ can re-identify UK's phones from COVID-19 contact-tracing app data

John H Woods Silver badge

Re: Thank you

Not sure where you get your figure of 1450. So far, worldwide, 14% of closed cases have ended in death, so you'd need about 200 undiagnosed cases for each case to justify that figure.

Furthermore, in the UK, the official death toll is currently 36042. The estimated excess mortality is in the range of another 20k, so probably at least 50k UK brits have died already: if the UK population is just under 68 million that's already more than 1 in 1360, and I suspect we are nowhere near the end of the UK death toll.

Most importantly, even if you a right, I think it's perfectly reasonable to have privacy-compliant* contact tracing on a temporary basis to save thousands of lives. YMMV.

*obviously this does not include the UK proposed app

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