Reply to post: Re: In my experience

SAP proves, yet again, that Excel is utterly unkillable

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: In my experience

Budgets are somewhat elastic items. Depending, as they do on a foundation of net cash availability, overbuilt with internal politics, wilful ignorance, actual incapability and favouritism. e.g. the £20,000 that has been set aside for software improvements has largely been used to provide the department head a new set of furnishings for the corporate meeting room, that is never used for meetings unless they want to impress someone with the contents of the fancy drinks cupboard.

*Personal experience- over the years my frontline educational support team were "gifted" a large number of nasty, useless and often inconvenient ( because blocked the entrance to our cramped premises - not for us the extensive office space that the "officers" skulked in) piles of junk. Because we needed computers, desks, etc. and the higher ups decided that their stuff wasn't good enough for their fancy corporate offices - but would be made good use of by us peasants who only did the actual assessing, educating, advising and training that gave them an excuse to have their much better paid jobs.

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