Reply to post: Re: Quelle Surprise!

UK's Ministry of Defence: We'll harvest and anonymise private COVID-19 apps' tracing data by handing it to 'behavioural science' arm

Peter X

Re: Quelle Surprise!

It's worse though - apparently the people they've recruited haven't had proper training, haven't been told what questions they need to ask, haven't got the equipment (no, not sure what they need) to do the job.

So, as per usual, Bojo's claims of it being a "world beating" system, and it "will be in place" by the beginning of next month seem... optimistic... if I'm being charitable.

But I'm not feeling even slightly charitable, so I think I'll call it what it is, which is a crappy "system" that's been bodged together at the last minute to make it appear like the incompetent shower we have in office, are actually doing something. And even then, it needs a good slather of Boris-Brand-Waffle(TM) to make it possibly, vaguely, look like it might possibly work. Which it won't.*

* Went a bit unexpectedly Charlie Brooker at the end there!

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