Reply to post: Re: Borkzilla looking for a new foot to shoot

Project Reunion: Microsoft's attempt to tear down all those barriers it's built for Windows developers over the years

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Borkzilla looking for a new foot to shoot

Micros~1.UWP (aka 2D FLATTY FLATSO McFLATFACE) is being sustained with an attempted 'breath of life' because of "No, really, we'll get it RIGHT this time!" kinds of thinking.

And, if possible, they'll use an illegitimately-spawned abomination-creation 'umbrella lib' (like to try and ENFORCE migration to it until we developers all nod our heads in the 'yes' direction in time with our overlords' instructions.

And "more universal acceptance" of UWP-ness would KILL Windows 7 for good, in their eyes. You KNOW they want to do this.

I guess the history of Silverlight will repeat itself, but with a different name.

Many people have suggested that Micros~1 wants to ELIMINATE the Win32 API. A token attempt at some kind of "overlapping library" doesn't convince me otherwise...

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