Reply to post: Re: So...

Multi-part Android spyware lurked on Google Play Store for 4 years, posing as a bunch of legit-looking apps

Glen 1

Re: So...

"Hey. LOCK DOWNS DO NOT WORK. There. I said it."

Ugh OK I'll take the bait. It depends on what you mean by "work". If you mean "reduce the loss of life" then yes, they do. As evidenced by anyone paying attention. You'd have to be PRETTY FUCKING STUPID (or a young child) not to grasp the reasons why that is. Pick a country. South Korea, New Zealand, China. Even in the UK the delayed lockdown has now passed the peak of the first wave. Unless you think the reduction in daily deaths is unrelated?

Hey, if you know better than the epidemiologists, then perhaps you went into the wrong career. Perhaps you could teach those climatologists a thing or two while you're at it. PMSL

People breaking lockdown make them... not work. Half assing the enforcement make them more likely to be broken. People have understood basic quarantine measures since the plague, but apparently Bob knows better.

That'd be fine, if you were only going to kill yourself, and others who think like you, but unfortunately, many of the people you are endangering don't have a choice. Some professions are *required* for society to continue to function. There is some wiggle room as to which ones those are. Hint: hairdressers are not on that list.

Then we have those lacking a basic grasp of the concept of how communicable diseases spread. I don't know about in the states, but in the UK the whole "coughs and sneezes spread diseases" thing was pretty well drummed into children with *competent* parents before they got to secondary school.

So why do we have people arguing technicalities when you know damn well what the social distancing rules are there for? If every break in the transmission chain is saving a life, every person *deliberately* breaking those rules by coughing and spitting on police/health workers should be locked up... and potentially tried for attempted murder.

Frontline police and health workers not having masks or other PPE is *different* competency issue.


You coin a metaphor that Bob might listen to. Y'all are out there running Windows XP with minimal anti-virus, while the people running Linux listening to competent experts in their field are staying at home.

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