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You can't have it both ways: Anti-coronavirus masks may thwart our creepy face-recog cameras, London cops admit

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Surely you support "mandatory" mask wearing in businesses when required by the business owner though, right? Making you wear a mask when you are out walking your dog may be a step too far, but there's no reason why businesses can't require it of their customers, or governments require it if you want to enter their buildings.

It is protect others from YOU, since you can't know for sure if you are infected unless you are tested every day which is apparently reserved only for people who come near Trump (who likes to promote an image of unconcern with the virus, but he's obviously pretty worried about catching it and rightly so as an elderly and obese man)

Your freedom to refuse to do things you deem "unnecessary" end where my rights (and more importantly the rights of my 82 year old mother) to not be infected by begin. Or would you be OK with me downing a fifth of whiskey and driving down the street where your children or grandchildren play?

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