Reply to post: Re: Android One

Xiaomi Mi 9 owners furious after dodgy Vodafone software patch bricked their mobes

ThatOne Silver badge

Re: Android One

> If you have an andorid phone that's compatible with project treble (any phone that comes with orio or later) you can get the latest version of android 10 here

With two huge caveats. First you need to be an Android dev: "flash the system and vbmeta images over fastboot" doesn't sound like something common people might know how to do (and succeed in doing). And second you don't even know if it will work, or if you just have spent a couple hours bricking your device.

I had high hopes when Project Treble was announced, but clearly it was only a marketing stunt, as nothing has really changed in the phone industry. (Well, why would it? They want to make you buy a new phone, not help you keep the old one a little longer.)

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