Reply to post: Re: Interesting

Node.js creator delivers Deno 1.0, a new runtime that fixes 'design mistakes in Node'


Re: Interesting

Agreed and its not like nodejs was a flop.

Funny architecture this tho. Node + libuv + v8 components fit nicely.

This has a threaded locking runtime in its guts. Rust guarantees threadsaftey with single writer, but in the real world that means copying a lot or Atomic Ref Counting and locks. Rust's guarantees dont integrate with other languages since its all done it the compiler.

V8 and js are not able to use multiple threads or locks at all afaik. Seems like this will do a lot more copying.

Thus at a time when io_ring becomes available. Seems to me io_ring only makes sense if you dont copy. This thing might be obsolete already if it has to copy to perform io.

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