Reply to post: Re: 1990s banking / No-one was allowed near the IT or comms rooms, even managers

'We're changing shift, and no one can log on!' It was at this moment our hero knew server-lugging chap had screwed up

MiguelC Silver badge

Re: 1990s banking / No-one was allowed near the IT or comms rooms, even managers

Well, yes and no.. In the office I was working on the Y2K thingy the IT and comms room was properly bolted down requiring a keycard and pin for access and no one there (we were all analysts and developers) had access.

One day some higher up realized that, just to change the daily backup tape, an IT minion had to do a daily trip from the main offices across town for that 1-minute job.

I was then chosen to do the job, so got access to the forbidden room. But I guess my bosses gathered I would never even think about taking any Cisco switch for a walk...

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