Reply to post: Re: Why bother at all?

Fancy some post-weekend reading? How's this for a potboiler: The source code for UK, Australia's coronavirus contact-tracing apps

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Why bother at all?

Sadly there are lots of textbooks, some were written by our own government. Sadly the complacent numpties who are our elected politicians were too busy thinking about pianting Union Jacks on the cliffs at Dover to bother reading them. And even now we seem incapable of actually looking outside our borders, and reading the books other have written and are writing. Debate this morning about transmission risk in school children. Cue scientist saying 'it's too early, not enough data etc. etc' - and no sense that we might ask China, Italy, France or Spain what data they might have. Still their data is probably written in foreign, and we are special.

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