Reply to post: Re: I reuse the same password on loads of sites

We beg, implore and beseech thee. Stop reusing the same damn password everywhere

MachDiamond Silver badge

Re: I reuse the same password on loads of sites

"For sites I have no intention to return to, they get a randomly-generated string that I don't even bother to record anywhere. That's easy."

I try that first to see if they then want to send me a confirming email to set up the account. Now I have to give them one of my pre-made disposable emails from a domain name I have the privacy filter set on so they can't do a simple whois to check up.

In the first case it's just easier to make up a new login than to track and look up one done previously. I only do it properly if I'll be a regular customer or it's a matter of legal consequence such as with a licensing board.

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