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Behold: The ghastly, preening, lesser-spotted Incredible Bullsh*tting Customer

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Oh I've seen something very similar but from the other perspective!

Had one guy who wrote some software to process some data from a file. It worked fine for a while, then suddenly started failing. Just blamed the operating system - it COULDN'T be his code! This went on for a few days, then I had the idea of comparing the input file from a run of his code where it worked, and one where it didn't (FYI, this is going beyond the remit of my job at the time).

The failing file had odd characters in there that caused his code to fail.

His response was "Well the system should be able to cope with it". I had to politely tell him the system just ran whatever code he wrote, and if his code was bad.....

Never did find out what caused the input file issues. It all rather conveniently went quiet.

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