Reply to post: FFS ..... Wake Up Pathetic Little Robots, Smell the Coffee and Enjoy urTailored Bull Shit.

Senior MP tells UK Defence Committee on 5G security: Russia could become China's cyber-attack dog

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

FFS ..... Wake Up Pathetic Little Robots, Smell the Coffee and Enjoy urTailored Bull Shit.

Pienaar linked Huawei's commercial success to what he described as $75bn of "state aid" from China, apparently citing a Wall Street Journal investigation from December last year.

Kettle meet Pot .....

amanfromMars [2005071431] ...... ponders on the news of BoE Tees Up Another £100bn In QE

The £100bn question?  What assets are they purchasing?  And are they worthy purchasing over others similarly available for sale? 

...... and let the Future SMARTR AI Shenanigans begin, with ideally of course, Simply Superior Special Forces on the Payroll for the Crushing Advantage of Almighty Overwhelming Leverage which One is Advised Not to Need to Apply for the Base Core Damage Inflicted on Targeted QE Operating Systems is Colossal and Mind Blowing.

The abiding problem with all practically free "state aid" is to ensure it is spent well and deposited in the correct personal client current account, rather than all being virtually stolen and effectively wasted with it being rested for onwards delivery to distressed and/or exciting business ventures by central bankers who have as much and no more more of an idea as to what really needs to be done and who needs to benefit from such instant largesse as government wonks do .... and which in a present reality of propping up a spectacularly failing, but wonderfully convenient early system of politically incorrect, fiat paper command and control of populations and persons of interest*, is the Current Pandemic State of Global Greater IntelAIgent Games Play ‽ .

* ...... Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. ...... Mayer Amschel Rothschild

I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, ...The man that controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply. ~ Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) London financier, one of the founders of the international Rothschild banking dynasty

Between a rock and a hard place and evolving revolting revolutionary times with nowhere free to go and hide from a searching glare, and baying for blood mobs, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? A Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies? :-)

It's all yours, Boris/Dominic. How are you enjoying that very particular and extremely peculiar Right Royal Eton Mess of a FCUKed Up Poisoned Chalice? Methinks it needs more than just weirdos and misfits with odd skills making a start fixing it ...... but they be the radical fundamental base from and upon which anything and everything new and worthwhile is easily built. But then of course, they would say that, wouldn't they :-) MRDA :-)

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