Reply to post: Re: Eclipse... and the winner of thread twit is..

Eclipse boss claims Visual Studio Code is an open-source poseur – though he would say that, wouldn't he?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Eclipse... and the winner of thread twit is..

So someone who thinks Eclipse is written in Java and thinks VI is a dev env...

Enough said.

Well the very first 1.0 release in 2001 was mostly written in Java so it took minutes to boot (I timed it at around 6 mins in mid 2001) but since about 2.0 has used fully native SWT. So if Eclipse is slow its because you dont know what you are doing. Never had any real performance problems in the almost 20 years of professional use developing and shipping software

I thought VI was a joke when I used it on VAX's back in the mid 1980's. VIM on a VT100 is easily the most unpleasant dev environment I have ever used to develop commercial software in. Used emacs on a Symbolics 3600 around the same time. All that Control, Meta, Super, Hyper modifier key crap. What a load of bollocks.

So happy when the first IDE's with source level debuggers came along in 1986 (LSC) and left all that time wasting deliberate obscurantism bullsh*t behind. Never looked back. Some of us have product to ship.

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