Reply to post: Re: The elephant in the room (or should I say home?).

UK finds itself almost alone with centralized virus contact-tracing app that probably won't work well, asks for your location, may be illegal

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: The elephant in the room (or should I say home?).

"No more certainty than usual".

There's a lot more certainty, (we're talking sampling at scale here). You're attempting to discredit "shoot the messenger" for reasons unknown. As said, everyone's likely location is pretty much a known - The place (whoever owns that device), calls home".

With a massive sampling database at scale (samples taken throughout lockdown), each time a device connects to cell will be highly accurate under lockdown, anchoring (with more certainty each time) that device to an addres for the life of the device, this can be done under current law, Investigative Powers Act/Coronavirus Bill, so the likelyhood it -is- been done.

Privacy should not be a victim of the Coronavirus Pandemic, but it clearly will be from other reports regarding how long this data will be retained.

And anyone that says: What does it matter? Are fcuking idiots.

This is a massive "power grab" in plain view.

Cummings/MET will be salivating.

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