Reply to post: Re: Automated contact tracing for Covid-19 is a fools' errand

UK finds itself almost alone with centralized virus contact-tracing app that probably won't work well, asks for your location, may be illegal

druck Silver badge

Re: Automated contact tracing for Covid-19 is a fools' errand

You can't lay contract tracing at Johnson's door, almost every other county is doing it, and most of them they started before us.

You are right about all the false positives, and that's why the decentralised model won't work. The false positive alerts will automatically propage from phone to phone, and countries using it will be paralysed by a large amount, possibly the majority, of their population being told to self isolate, again and again and again. They'll never escape lock down.

The centralised model won't have any less false positives, but has the advantage but there is then control over how fast and how far the positive alerts can spread, so the country won't be crippled. Yes this will also limit the propagation of true positives too, but then the entire point of this isn't to find every case of the virus, its enable lock down to be ended and make people feel safe enough to go back to work.

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