Reply to post: Re: They're only terrorists if...

As Brit cyber-spies drop 'whitelist' and 'blacklist', tech boss says: If you’re thinking about getting in touch saying this is political correctness gone mad, don’t bother

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: They're only terrorists if...

Actually I'm ALL for women doing WHATEVER they want from brain surgeon to bin collector and every career within and beyond that including stay at home mum and stripper.

Sadly many vocal alledgedly "feminist" groups disagree with their right to choose and therefore shame and abuse those who tread outwith what THEY deem as "appropriate" behaviour, even resorting to allegations that these said women "harm other women by their actions"

I don't see much feminism there, instead I see control freakery and authoritarianism gone wild, like Mary Whitehouse on steroids.

Like a nightmarish version of "Herland"

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