Reply to post: Re: "how ingrained our prejudices are from our cultural upbringings"

As Brit cyber-spies drop 'whitelist' and 'blacklist', tech boss says: If you’re thinking about getting in touch saying this is political correctness gone mad, don’t bother

jake Silver badge

Re: "how ingrained our prejudices are from our cultural upbringings"

It probably goes back much further than that. Think about a small group of humans a couple million years ago. Fearing the dark of night, because that's when the nocturnal predators hunted. The light of day brought relative safety. In other words "dark == bad, light == better" is embedded in our very genetics.

And let's not forget that those first early humans were undoubtedly dark skinned. The entire concept of black vs white being a racist thing is laughable.

"Maybe the only wrong cultural association is Freedom and USA, if it's still full of people thinking freedom is not for everyone."

Just had to get in a dig at the US, didn't you? Feel better now?

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