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Watch now the three UFO videos uncovered by Blink-182 star – and today officially released by the Pentagon

bombastic bob Silver badge

"General Fusion's small form-factor Sonofusion/Bubble Fusion-like power production systems"

why spend zillions on Tokomak when we (allegedly) have *THESE* ??? And WHY are we using coal/oil/nuclear for electricity when we (allegedly) have *THESE* ???

There is no doubt that some of these things may be *possible*, but claiming they're actually being used for secret aircraft would imply that "SOMEONE" "SOMEWHERE" is *LITERALLY* holding back progress!!! Fusion-like energy? The 'greenies' would LOVE to have that, or you'd think so, carbon footprints etc. and no nuclear fission waste. I'd like to have it because I'd expect cheap and plentiful electricity to come from such things.

To deny ALL of society a power production technique that's "fusion-like" would be BEYOND irresponsible... [heading into elitist "deny the plebes" territory].

(Somehow I think your sources are a *bit* inaccurate...)

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