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The rumor that just won't die: Apple to keep Intel at Arm's length in 2021 with launch of 'A14-powered laptops'

David Halko

"And of course, it could emulate 68k code faster than any real 68k CPU could run it"

That is not completely accurate. The first releases of the PowerPC chip did not have enough cache to run the 68k code faster. Power users, with more immediate needs continued to buy 68K models, which more future-leaning customers bought PowerPC models, feeling OK to wait for native code to arrive. Later releases of PowerPC bumped up the clock rate and added larger caches, to gain parity.

Faster 68K chips were being released, but never bundled into Apple systems. Apple killed third-party manufacturers from releasing processor upgrade cards, by restricting licensing of the Apple ROM's, when they offered Motorola CPU upgrade cards to out-perform the PowerPC architecture, on older systems. The 68060 was used in networking equipment, some workstation & gaming systems, and desktop accelerator cards), but were not used by Apple.

It is easy to compare newer machines which using later PowerPC release over the older technology without updates, which never received an upgrade, but suggesting PowerPC was emulating 68k code faster, is not quite accurate.

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