Reply to post: Re: another Pink Elephant

Work from home surge may work in Wi-Fi 6's favour, reckons analyst house

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: another Pink Elephant

> Except in very crowded situations (I suppose you might get that in a block of flats) anything "g" and beyond

The best solution in a crowded radio environment is still: move to the 5GHz band where there are many more channels than on the 2.4GHz band, plus the signal is attenuated more by walls etc. so less signal noise from the neighbours.

>but I'm more interested in the uplink speed, which seems to be 10Mbps or 20Mbps.

Yes the uplink speed is typically 25% of the download speed.

However, currently, I typically have ~20 concurrent remote RDS users using a 40/10 service and the uplink is showing the uplink only being loaded to 1~2Mbps, and none are complaining that things are slow etc. so I'm happy. (The lockdown happened before we were able to relocate the servers to a new facility with a 100/100 FTTP service...)

Okay, as they are remote, they aren't using the server uplink for Zoom etc.

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