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Elevating cost-cutting to a whole new level with million-dollar bar bills

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Not quite computer equipment but when I spent a few years in silicon valley at end of the 90s I used to look at the USGS web pages showing all recorded eartquakes and noticed that there seemed to be small tremors on a regular basis near where we lived in Cupertino on the map. After a bit I went to the more detailed pages to find the records of this "quakes" and discovered that happened on almost every weekday at 12 noon with the USGS comment saying "probably quarry blast" ... and there was a quarry just outside Cupertino. N.b. these "quakes" were 2.0 magnitude and one of these on a daily basis from a quarry seemed to cause no qualms which, for me, has always put the alarmism over occasional 1.0 tremors (10x les powerfull) being sufficient to close down fracking into perspective!

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