Reply to post: Re: @ragnar - I still don't see the purpose of WSL

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Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

Re: @ragnar - I still don't see the purpose of WSL

>what is the difference between getting access to Linux command line with and without WSL ?

If you are using the Windows machine purely as an admin console = nothing

If you need to test and develop the server stuff locally then I have a Windows laptop (email/office/corporate stuff) a Linux desktop (development and test) and then cloud/remote server to deploy.

With WSL I could do a lot of the development on the laptop and then push directly to cloud rather than having to sneaker-net it to the laptop first. Which would be really handy in this current lockdown

The benefit to MSFT is that if I had any control over corporate IT would throw out the windows laptop and replace it with Linux.

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