Reply to post: Re: How long before familes feel the pinch

Netflix says subscriptions just boomed but tells investors it's no money heist and they should expect stranger things

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How long before familes feel the pinch

other half has been gluten and dairy free for ~ 30 years.

Unwitting ingestion of gluten results in sore joints, bloating, tiredness, dairy results in rapid onset of heavy snot and mucus with coughing, toddler presents similar symptoms as mum. Can always tell when nursery has given toddler dairy or wheat, especially in nappy deposits when a baby.

You don't need a medical degree to observe that cutting those elements out of your diet makes those issues go away.

GP's decades ago dismissed diet as being a contributor, GP's & dieticians (yes we've consulted them) now specifically advise us to stay away from Gluten and Dairy, even goats milk is no longer tolerable in our household so are on the nut (actually mainly rice) milks.

Just living in a society that didn't / doesn't respect dietary choices is enough of a blind test. Options for eating out are now far better than they where before with restaurants and takeaways taking ingredients very seriously. Luckily my families ailments are not life threatening, just expensive.

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