Reply to post: Re: Big rant, lots of capital letters...

Facebook sort-of blocks anti-quarantine events – how many folks are actually behind these 'massive' protests online?

James Wilson

Re: Big rant, lots of capital letters...

Well, possibly, but it depends on the numbers and the evidence. We're in to 10s of thousands already *with* the lockdowns in place, without then projections were 100s of thousands. If there's good evidence that continuing to lock down for at least several more weeks would cause millions, or even 100s of thousands, of deaths over the next few years then yes there are 2 legitimate arguments. If it's a number plucked out of thin air by people who are distressed (and yes, there are going to be a lot of people legitimately in severe distress right now), or the calculations aren't including the number that would be caused by the financial impact of letting the virus rip through the population (as that isn't going to be trivial either), then you can't say it's a lie that there is only one sensible course of action.

Yes, there are 2 arguments, but I'm going to need to hear some convincing backup before you can convince me that both are legitimate.

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