Reply to post: Re: How long before familes feel the pinch

Netflix says subscriptions just boomed but tells investors it's no money heist and they should expect stranger things

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How long before familes feel the pinch

You must be watching CNN.

The reality is a bit different.

1) Banks are not going to foreclose on mortgages.

2) Courts are going to approve eviction cases.

3) The death rate in the US seems high because we're doing more testing. But the mortality rate over those who tested positive is less than in other countries.

If you want to look at the UK, how many people are dying in their homes because they can't get tested and by the time they get to the hospital it is too late?

So I have to ask... how many in the UK probably have the Wuhan flu (Covid-19) but can't get tested?

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