Reply to post: Typical of Failbook

Facebook sort-of blocks anti-quarantine events – how many folks are actually behind these 'massive' protests online?


Typical of Failbook

So Faceborg is, as usual, sucking up to the gun-grabbers. The action on the part of the gun advocacy groups is **NOT** to defy "social distancing. The fact is that the gun-grabbers are just frothing at the mouth to take advantage of this crisis to push through their anti-gun agenda, trying to bury their ever increasing restrictions deep into "must-pass" legislation. The gun advocacy groups are making sure any legislation ONLY deals with the critical issues at hand, and to make sure this doesn't get used to push the agenda of a small subset of people.

The only reason the advocacy groups have to act is BECAUSE the opposition is all set to twist and manipulate a crisis to their OWN failed ideology. NOTHING to do with opposing the emergency measures needed to address the crisis.

(now bring on the obvious downvotes)

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