Reply to post: Yes, but.

Cloudflare goes retro with COBOL delivery service. Older coders: Who's laughing now? Turns out we're still vital


Yes, but.

I cannot code my way out of a paper bag but when I did a graduate conversion course in systems analysis and design one of the things we had to do was learn a couple of programming languages.

One of them was Cobol.*

Now as I say I could not write a program to save my life but I could understand Cobol. It took a while to sink in but I did manage to crank out the required programs and I passed the course. This ease of use by the uninitiated may be a reason why the language is held in low esteem in some quarters. Like the priests of a religion, many will feel that only the enlightened should be able to perform such rites.

Another thing, with 60 years behind it I would guess that most of the bugs have been fixed and speaking as someone with very little money I feel better knowing that the system controlling my bank balance is run on a firm foundation. Though unfortunately I am currently with Nat. West :-( so the firm foundation may not be all that firm.

* The other was Fortran, ugh!

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