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Vodafone chief speaks out after 5G conspiracy nuts torch phone mast serving Nightingale Hospital in Brum

hoola Silver badge

Unfortunately we now live in a society where the majority of believe that everything the see on Social Media is true. It does not matter how bonkers the information or statement may be, the herd will continue to believe it because it has x1000 likes. The speed that this information it disseminated then forms the second part of the problem. It takes seconds for it to go from nothing to a major presence as people share, like and repost. Facebook are powerless to stop it because they cannot react fast enough and have no interest in doing anything to improve this. I suspect that they will not show much interest in doing anything to improve this as these posts will be earning significant amounts of money.

All too often the term "Freedom of speech" is used to justify not removing utterly despicable posts or videos. Unfortunately the consequences of delaying or not removing the material are trivial and Facebook etc. just don't care. They are completely untouchable due to the money they have and they way the operate. The depravity that they have permitted to be posted and taken ages to remove (Youtube execution videos as an example) just shows the scale of the problem.

I don't have an answer as I just don't see who can sort it out, it is an international problem based in the US and there is simply not the will to do anything about it/

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