Reply to post: Re: Two's company, infinity plus one is a crowd

We lost another good one: Mathematician John Conway loses Game of Life, taken by coronavirus at 82

jake Silver badge

Re: Two's company, infinity plus one is a crowd

"Punk didn't come out of a vacuum."

I am very well aware of that. At least the Punk scene kept us older kids alive. A gig, two pints & 5 fags for under a quid and a half. Seemed like a good deal at the time. And we always had John Peel(RIP) to listen to on the transistor when we got home.

A couple years ago, one of the kids from the Barn came into my office, wondering about the "cool" music I was playing. The music server had chosen early/mid 70s tunage: The Ramones, Heartbreakers[0], New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Clash, Damned, Buzzcocks ... As I told the kid, I might be getting older, but I ain't dead yet.

[0] No, not the Tom Petty version you heathen.

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