Reply to post: What the likes of a RAND are terrified of <s>advising you</s>

RAND report finds that, like fusion power and Half Life 3, quantum computing is still 15 years away

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

What the likes of a RAND are terrified of <s>advising you</s>

If adequate implementation of new security measures has not taken place by the time capable quantum computers are developed, it becomes even more impossible to ensure secure authentication and communication privacy ........ for surely since forever and presently is it impossible to ensure secure authentication and communication privacy as is evidenced by the great many bugs and vulnerabilities available for exploitation and monetisation?

And ....... quantum code-breaking could be a thing in, say, 12-15 years is a just a wild guess and nothing more important nor definite than that. And to not imagine it a current unheralded utility/facility has one catastrophically disabled and unenabled against systems which have realised such a situation and exercise its almighty overwhelming advantage.

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