Reply to post: Re: @AC One Sided Reporting

Amazon says it fired a guy for breaking pandemic rules. Same guy who organized a staff protest over a lack of coronavirus protection

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @AC One Sided Reporting

@"Its logic like yours that allows pandemics to occur." I am not saying that containment should not be applied rather I am saying that it is all too late.

They could have limited this infection but instead chose not to act, I would suggest because of the years of false pandemic alarms and since China (historical origin of many cross species infections) has become an increasing target for western businesses after the US housing bond crash.

@"With your logic, there's a 50/50 chance that if I get hit w COVID-19 , I could die", nowhere do I make reference to mortality ratios however, as suggested by another poster here without comprehensive and continuous testing, the viral impact ratios may be at best wrong or bunkum since this has become a political issue. Boris in the UK effectively admitted that when it became clear that the UK was already infected that some would die but the majority would live, since then the UK Gov have changed their tune pandering to those that are terrified that they are in the <10% fraction that will die, whilst taking the opportunity to grab that which is not nailed down.

As too taking it seriously, I do not doubt that you are scared but I am saying that if you are one of the ones who will die after infection then in terms of your genes you and yours are going to die regardless of the restrictions you want applied to everyone else. Sadly this is how evolution works but if you will not accept evolution then perhaps the US is indeed the best place for you to be.

On a positive note the reported mortality rate so far suggest that your chances of suriving this wave of the infection are good and since you work for a "very large company" then the chances are you will have access to medical support should the worst happen.

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