Reply to post: The 737 Max is a brilliant demonstration

Stop us if you've heard this before: Boeing's working on 737 Max software fixes for autopilot, stabilization bugs

Pascal Monett Silver badge

The 737 Max is a brilliant demonstration

of why the FAA should never, ever allow a new model to be certified without taking it through the complete process.

I don't care if it's just the paint job that changed ; it's different, it needs to be recertified.

Now that the proper certification process is being followed, new issues are being found that Boeing can no longer sweep under the rug. The issues must be fixed, and Boeing cannot do otherwise because the plane will not fly if it doesn't. And as long as it doesn't fly, Airbus is sweeping the market.

You feel that, Boeing ? That's your balls in a vise. And the vise is closing. And it's all your fault.

Well, yours and the FAA's as well, but the FAA won't be taken to court, now will it ?

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