Reply to post: It can't

Stop us if you've heard this before: Boeing's working on 737 Max software fixes for autopilot, stabilization bugs

Pascal Monett Silver badge

It can't

Financially speaking, it has no choice. The Max must fly again.

If Boeing actually does declare a loss, then the market is wide open Airbus until Boeing can create a new plane. The aviation market is cutthroat and long-term. The Max has already seriously damaged Beoing's perspectives for future market wins, if Boeing scraps it it will take decades before it can hope to regain its current market share.

Share which was already being eaten up by Airbus.

Boeing really doesn't have a choice.

Not that I'm shedding a tear for them. The shameful self-certification Boeing glided itself through cost hundreds of people their lives. Boeing deserves to pay for that for a long time.

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