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Stop us if you've heard this before: Boeing's working on 737 Max software fixes for autopilot, stabilization bugs

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Certification process:

Boeing exec knocks on the door of the certification department next door to his office and says. "We've finished the 737 Max, can you sign here to certify it for us"

Certification department of Boeing (also known as the FAA): "Is it safe, does it need the pilots to rec-certify?"

Being Exec: "Of course it's safe, no pilot recertifying needed they just need to watch a 20 minute Youtube video one of our competition winners has put together. It's exactly the same as the other 737s. Chill trust me"

Certification department: "Great, here you go"

Rest of the world: "Well the FAA signed it off, they know their stuff, safe for us too"

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