Reply to post: Re: Why do so many businesses seem to need video?

Not only is Zoom's strong end-to-end encryption not actually end-to-end, its encryption isn't even that strong

hoola Silver badge

Re: Why do so many businesses seem to need video?

Because it is cool and you forget that the primary use is to replace endless physical meetings where some twat honks on reading off their PowerPoint presentation.

None of these video conferencing tools are really that good with people looking like aliens, dropped calls endless problems getting yet another client to work. And then you have Teams, the biggest piece of shite to be foisted on to us. It's sole purpose appears to be to ensure yet more reliance on O365 and MS cloudy stuff. Just because it it Microsoft means that it IS all perfect and everyone MUST use it.

Unfortunately Zoom has several huge advantages over other products:

It works

It is cross-platform with pretty much the same experience

If you buy a subscription it is affordable

This then brings you full circle, is it actually any worse from a security perspective than everything else?

I don't know but from what has been reported WebEx is no better, it just happens to be owned by Cisco so it must be okay.

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