Reply to post: Re: Windows Server 2000

Boeing 787s must be turned off and on every 51 days to prevent 'misleading data' being shown to pilots

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Windows Server 2000

"Seeing the real problem"

someone already posted a valid suggestion - millisecond rollover, and an algorithm to test for periodic timing that was poorly written. [during rollover you might end up with a "storm" of data collection for a brief period of time, as one example, or NO DATA COLLECTED AT ALL - even worse]

Again, my working with microcontrollers has already gotten me to discipline myself with respect to these kinds of maths so that the controller can run for MONTHS unattended, as you would expect it to, and not have a rollover issue after 49.71 days, or anything reasonbly close to that, depending on whether your millisecond timer is actually happening every 1.024 milliseconds...

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