Reply to post: Re: So?

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bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: So?

"And if there is transphobic content in the content behind those links"

Why do LIBERALS and ACTIVISTS *CONTINUE* to use the *HIGHLY* *PEJORATIVE* "-phobia" suffix upon their pet social agendas? OK I know the answer, it's because they're FINGER POINTING ASSHATS, _WORSE_ than the Westboro Baptists, as far as I'm concerned.

How about just letting people DO WHAT THEY WANT and BUTTING OUT ??? You "thought police" types need to GROW A BRAIN. [there, I said it].

Revulsion does not equal "phobia". And it _IS_ possible to "live and let live" even if you are REVOLTED by a person's BEHAVIOR. You can just treat people with a reasonable level of respect instead, and NOT be an asshat yourself. Yeah, how 'libertarian' of me...

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